Level Unlocked Voucher ($5)

Congratulations!! As a reward for unlocking the Clear Mind Lover level, we are gifting you a $5 voucher to use on our services.
How to claim -
1. Click on the 'redeem' button
2. An email will be sent with your unique coupon code.
3. Forward the email to enquiries@clearmindstudio.com and we will add the credit to your account.
4. Use this credit to pay for any of our services.

Phone - (08) 6155 6971
Text - 0448026860
Email - enquiries@clearmindstudio.com

We can't wait to see you at Clear Mind Studio!

Limit: 1x Maximum
Level Unlocked Voucher ($10)

Congratulations!! As a reward for unlocking the Clear Mind Insider level, we are gifting you a $10 voucher to use on our services.
How to claim -
1. Click on the 'redeem' button
2. An email will be sent with your unique coupon code.
3. Forward the email to enquiries@clearmindstudio.com and we will add the credit to your account.
4. Use this credit to pay for any of our services.

Phone - (08) 6155 6971
Text - 0448026860
Email - enquiries@clearmindstudio.com

We can't wait to see you at Clear Mind Studio!

Limit: 1x Maximum
Level Unlocked Voucher ($100)

Congratulations!! As a reward for unlocking the Clear Mind Insider level, we are gifting you a $100 voucher to use on our services.
How to claim -
1. Click on the 'redeem' button
2. An email will be sent with your unique coupon code.
3. Forward the email to enquiries@clearmindstudio.com and we will add the credit to your account.
4. Use this credit to pay for any of our services.

Phone - (08) 6155 6971
Text - 0448026860
Email - enquiries@clearmindstudio.com

We can't wait to see you at Clear Mind Studio!

Limit: 1x Maximum
Level Unlocked Voucher ($150)

Congratulations!! As a reward for unlocking the Clear Mind Insider level, we are gifting you a $150 voucher to use on our services.
How to claim -
1. Click on the 'redeem' button
2. An email will be sent with your unique coupon code.
3. Forward the email to enquiries@clearmindstudio.com and we will add the credit to your account.
4. Use this credit to pay for any of our services.

Phone - (08) 6155 6971
Text - 0448026860
Email - enquiries@clearmindstudio.com

We can't wait to see you at Clear Mind Studio!

Limit: 1x Maximum
1x Class

Can be used for any scheduled class

1x infrared sauna session
1x ice bath + Finnish sauna session
1x float session
1x couples float session
1x 60 minute remedial massage
1x 60 minute relaxation massage